9:00 am to 6:00 pm, Proshansky Auditorium, CUNY Graduate Center (Fifth Avenue, between 34th and 35th Streets)

Please click on author name(s) or paper title to view the corresponding abstract.

9:00 - 9:45 Registration and Coffee
9:45 Welcoming Remarks
Chair: Zenzi M. Griffin (Georgia Institute of Technology)
10:00 Kathryn Bock (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) • Persistent structural priming from comprehension to production
10:30 Alexandra Cleland & Martin Pickering (University of Edinburgh) • The effects of lexical repetition, semantic relationship, and phonological overlap on the priming of noun phrase structure
11:00 Eric S. Solomon & Neal J. Pearlmutter (Northeastern University) • The role of semantic integration in syntactic planning in production
11:30 - 12:00 Coffee Break
Chair: Suzanne Stevenson (University of Toronto)
12:00 John Drury (Georgetown University), Philip Resnik, Amy Weinberg, Silvia Gennari & Sachiko Aoshima (University of Maryland) • Argument structure saturation in a constraint based model
12:30 Jared M. Novick & John C. Trueswell (University of Pennsylvania) • Nipping spoken garden-paths in the bud: Lexical priming of argument structure during auditory language comprehension
1:00 Julie E. Boland (University of Michigan) • Listeners use verb argument structure to focus visual attention on potential arguments
1:30 - 2:45 Lunch
Chair: Robert W. Fiengo (Queens College and Graduate Center, CUNY)


Linguistics Tutorial
Anna Szabolcsi (New York University) • Issues in sentence semantics
3:45 Ana Arregui (University of Massachusetts at Amherst) • Semantic predictions of quantificational NPs
4:15 - 4:45 Coffee Break
Chair: William McClure (Queens College and Graduate Center, CUNY)

Yuki Kamide (University of York), Christoph Scheepers (Saarland University), Gerry Altmann (University of York) & Matthew Crocker (Saarland University) • Integration of syntactic and semantic information in predictive processing: Anticipatory eye-movements in German



Invited Paper
Lyn Frazier (University of Massachusetts at Amherst) • The syntax-semantics interface: LF and beyond
6:00 - 8:00 Reception & Poster Session I

Pre-Conference Reception & Registration
Thursday, March 21: Spoken Paper Sessions
Friday, March 22: Spoken Paper Sessions
Saturday, March 23: Spoken Paper Sessions

Address for correspondence:  
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