Queens College

Prof. Michael J. Miller, MLS, MS
Coordinator of Access Services
Benjamin Rosenthal Library


Curriculum Vitae

Professional Info.

Personal Info.

Classes - Pratt

Classes - QC































English 110 -  w/ Rosenthal Library

Fall '10 Miller/Macdonald

Agenda Oct. 6,  2010 4:00 - 6:00  BRL 101A

Instruction outline

  • Introductions - Purpose (Writing & Popular Culture, Sociology, Media)
  • Pre-Training Technology Assessment
  • Library Intro (verbal and online tours)
  • QC Library Technology Intro
  • CUNY+ Intro
  1. Searches - KW / Subject / Author/Spec. info.
  2. Encyclopedias/reference
  3. Books - paper and online
  • Internet searches and results - domains
  1. Association & Org. Resources
  • Research resources - reliability/validity
  • Finding articles - journals (paper and online)
  1. A-Z
  2. Subject listing
  3. E-Periodicals
  4. "Find-it!"
  • ILLiad for interlibrary loan of non-CUNY resources
  • Databases Intro -
  1. Academic Search Complete
  2. New York Times Historical
  3. CQ Researcher
  4. Associations Unlimited
  • RefWorks & Citation Styles
  • Hands-on w/reports & discussion
Get Connected! Research Connectivity

You need many technology tools set up in order to be able to perform research at Queens College/C.U.N.Y.  Follow the links in this section and get all of your accounts in order.

Queens College ADS & Lotus Notes - https://cams.qc.cuny.edu/

Queens College I.D. - http://www.qc.cuny.edu/about/security/Pages/IDInformation.aspx

Library Barcode - http://qcpages.qc.cuny.edu/library/services/borrowing/circulation.php

CUNY+ "My Account" - http://apps.appl.cuny.edu:83/F/?func=find-b-0&local_base=queens

Inter-Library Loan ILLiad account - http://qc.illiad.oclc.org/illiad/logon.html

RefWorks citation management software - https://refworks.com/Refworks/login.asp?

E-Reserve class folder password - You must get this from your professor.

Blackboard access via the CUNY Portal - https://portal.cuny.edu/portal/site/cuny/index.jsp?epi-content=LOGIN


Exercises Exercises
  1. Use CUNY+ to do a keyword search on your topic.
    Make sure it is set to Queens College collections only.  Scan
    the titles to find one that looks interesting and provide
    the citation below.

Author of Item _____________________________________

Title of Item____________________________

Publisher & Publication Date of Item _____________________________________

  • Look at the record by clicking on the title. ___________
  • What subject(s) are listed? ______________________
  • Is the item on the shelf? _________________________
  • What is the call number? ________________________
  • What location in the library is the item shelved? _______
  1. Go back to the results list of the search click on a title
    to view the subjects and click on a subject heading.
  • How does the search change? ____________________
  • Are there any other titles that look useful? ___________
  • Are they available? ____________________________
  1. Do a new search and do a field specific search (Author,
    Title, or Subject)  Using specific info from the title from
    number one above.
  • How does the search change? ____________________
  • Are there any other titles from that author? ___________
  • Are they available? ____________________________

Use New York Times Historical,  or CQ Researcher to find resources on your topic.  Circle the database you used, and provide the item description below.

Author of Item __________________________________
Title of Item __________________________________
Source Title __________________________________
Volume, Issue, Date, Pages info __________________________________

  • Do we own the item online in full-text? ___

  • What years do we own? _________________

  • In which databases? (abbreviate & list up to three) _____________________________

  • Do we own the periodical in paper?  ________

  • What years do we own?  ________________

  • What is the Call Number? _______________

  • Do we own the periodical in microfilm?  ______

  • What years do we own?  ________________

Use "All CUNY Catalogs" to find items QC does not own.  


What library owns it?


Review ILL options.

Links English 110 Blog Library Guides - http://english110.qwriting.org/library-guides/

CUNY Libraries' Tutorials - http://www.hostos.cuny.edu/library/info_lit/library/index.html

QC E-Reserves Pages - http://queens.docutek.com

  • Lib110 course library research glossary and
    topic sheets

Gotham Gazette - http://www.gothamgazette.com/

Purdue's MLA Style Guide - http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/

