MATH 120
Math 120: General Announcements, Grading policies, Exam Solutions.
Grading Criteria:
There will be 3 in-class exams, homework, and a final. Their values towards your grade are as follows:
- Average of top 2 Exam grades: 60% (i.e., I drop your lowest test grade).
- Final Exam: 40%
- Makeup exams will not be given under any circumstances.
- I assign grades by using the CUNY standard grading policy .
Exercieses that might be good:
- Virtually everything in 1.1 and 1.2<
- The questions in 1.3 are pretty good with the exception of most of the questions that have an '*' next to their number.
- Some of the questions in 1.4 need a CS background that isn't necessary for the course. If it wasn't covered in class, skip it.
- The questions in 1.6 are pretty good.
- Up to about 35, the questions in 1.6 are good. I liked 1.7, and think they're good questions in general.
As you can see, this isn't a particularly useful list. The questions are VERY repetative, so I think the best way to go over the material is
to skim through the exercises, decide which ones you can and cannot do, and go from there. There will be cases where, if you can do the first question,
the next 10 questions are useless because they retest the same material. The exercises you should do is really going to depend on you as a student.
Exams and solutions from the Fall semester:
Solutions to Exam #1 .
Solutions to Exam #3 .