Alexey Ovchinnikov

Papers and Software

  1. Robust Parameter Estimation for Rational Ordinary Differential Equations (by O. Bassik, Y. Berman, S. Go, H. Hong, I. Ilmer, A. Ovchinnikov, C. Rackauckas, P. Soto, and C. Yap), 2024, arXiv:2303.02159 (PDF, Code)

  2. Algorithm for finding new identifiable reparametrizations of parametric ODEs (by N. Meshkat, A. Ovchinnikov, and T. Scanlon), 2023, arXiv:2310.03057 (PDF, Code)

  3. Identifiable specializations for ODE models (by A. Ovchinnikov, A. Pillay, G. Pogudin, and T. Scanlon), 2023, arXiv:2308.16273 (PDF, Code)

  4. More efficient identifiability verification in ODE models by reducing non-identifiability (by I. Ilmer, A. Ovchinnikov, G. Pogudin, and P. Soto), 2022, arXiv:2204.01623 (PDF)

  5. Algebraic identifiability of partial differential equation models (by H. Harrington, H. Byrne, A. Ovchinnikov, G. Pogudin, and H. Rahkooy), accepted for publication in Nonlinearity (2025), arXiv:2402.04241 (PDF, Code)

  6. Algorithm for globally identifiable reparametrizions of ODEs (by S. Falkensteiner, A. Ovchinnikov, and R. Sendra), Journal of Symbolic Computation 128 (2025) 102385 (PDF)

  7. Symbolic-numeric algorithm for parameter estimation in discrete-time models with exp (by Y. Berman, J. Forrest, M. Grote, A. Ovchinnikov, and S. Rueda), Journal of Symbolic Computation 128 (2025) 102387 (PDF, Code in Julia and Python, Code in Julia, Code in Maple)

  8. Faster Gröbner bases for Lie derivatives of ODE systems via monomial orderings (by M. Bessonov, I. Ilmer, T. Konstantinova, A. Ovchinnikov, G. Pogudin, and P. Soto), Proceedings of the 2024 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, pp. 234-243 (PDF, SIAN in Julia, SIAN in Maple)

  9. Input-output equations and identifiability of linear ODE models (by A. Ovchinnikov, G. Pogudin, and P. Thompson), IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 68(2), 2023, 812-824 (PDF)

  10. Parameter identifiability and input-output equations (by A. Ovchinnikov, G. Pogudin, and P. Thompson), Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 34, 2023, 165-182 (PDF)

  11. Algorithms yield upper bounds in differential algebra (by W. Li, A. Ovchinnikov, G. Pogudin, and T. Scanlon), Canadian Journal of Mathematics 75(1), 2023, 29-51 (PDF)

  12. Multi-experiment parameter identifiability of ODEs and model theory (by A. Ovchinnikov, A. Pillay, G. Pogudin, and T. Scanlon), SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry 6(3), 2022 (PDF, Code)

  13. Bounds for elimination of unknowns in systems of differential-algebraic equations (by A. Ovchinnikov, G. Pogudin, and N. Thieu Vo), International Mathematics Research Notices, 2022(16), 2022, 12342-12377 (PDF, Code)

  14. Computing all identifiable functions of parameters for ODE models (by A. Ovchinnikov, A. Pillay, G. Pogudin, and T. Scanlon), Systems & Control Letters 157, 2021, 105030 (PDF, Code)

  15. Web-based Structural Identifiability Analyzer (by I. Ilmer, A. Ovchinnikov, and G. Pogudin), Computational Methods in Systems Biology, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12881, 2021, 254-265. (PDF, Code)

  16. CLUE: Exact maximal reduction of kinetic models by constrained lumping of differential equations (by A. Ovchinnikov, I. Pérez Verona, G. Pogudin, and M. Tribastone), Bioinformatics 37(12), 2021, 1732-1738 (PDF, Code)

  17. Elimination of unknowns for systems of algebraic differential-difference equations (by W. Li, A. Ovchinnikov, G. Pogudin, and T. Scanlon), Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 374 (1), 2021, 303-326 (PDF)

  18. Global identifiability of differential models (by H. Hong, A. Ovchinnikov, G. Pogudin, and C. Yap), Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 73 (9), 2020, 1831-1879 (PDF, Code: Maple, Maple Cloud, Julia)

  19. Effective difference elimination and Nullstellensatz (by A. Ovchinnikov, G. Pogudin, and T. Scanlon), Journal of the European Mathematical Society 22 (8), 2020, 2419-2452 (PDF, Code)

  20. Commuting planar polynomial vector fields for conservative Newton systems (by J. Nagloo, A. Ovchinnikov, and P. Thompson), Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 22, 2020, 1950025 [30 pages] (PDF)

  21. Triviality of differential Galois cohomology of linear differential algebraic groups (by A. Minchenko and A. Ovchinnikov), Communications in Algebra 47 (12), 2019, 5094-5100 (PDF)

  22. SIAN: software for structural identifiability analysis of ODE models (by H. Hong, A. Ovchinnikov, G. Pogudin, and C. Yap), Bioinformatics 35 (16), 2019, 2873-2874 (PDF, Code: Maple, Maple Cloud, Julia)

  23. New order bounds in differential elimination algorithms (by R. Gustavson, A. Ovchinnikov, and G. Pogudin), Journal of Symbolic Computation 85, 2018, 128-147 (PDF)

  24. Calculating Galois groups of third order linear differential equations with parameters (by A. Minchenko and A. Ovchinnikov), Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 20, 2018, 1750038 [25 pages] (PDF)

  25. Calculating Galois groups of differential equations with parameters and hypertranscendence (by C. Hardouin, A. Minchenko, and A. Ovchinnikov), Mathematische Annalen 368 (1), 2017, 587-632 (PDF)

  26. Tannakian categories with semigroup actions (by A. Ovchinnikov and M. Wibmer), Canadian Journal of Mathematics 69 (3), 2017, 687-720 (PDF)

  27. Bounds for orders of derivatives in differential elimination algorithms (by R. Gustavson, A. Ovchinnikov, and G. Pogudin), Proceedings of the 41st International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC 2016), ACM Press, New York, pp. 239-246 (PDF)

  28. New effective differential Nullstellensatz (by R. Gustavson, M. Kondratieva, and A. Ovchinnikov), Advances in Mathematics 290, 2016, 1138-1158 (PDF)

  29. On bounds for the effective differential Nullstellensatz (by O. Leon Sanchez and A. Ovchinnikov), Journal of Algebra 449, 2016, 1-21 (PDF)

  30. σ-Galois theory of linear difference equations (by A. Ovchinnikov and M. Wibmer), International Mathematics Research Notices 2015 (12) 3962-4018 (PDF)

  31. Reductive linear differential algebraic groups and the Galois groups of parameterized linear differential equations (by A. Minchenko, A. Ovchinnikov, and M.F. Singer), International Mathematics Research Notices 2015 (7) 1733-1793 (PDF)

  32. Unipotent differential algebraic groups as parameterized differential Galois groups (by A. Minchenko, A. Ovchinnikov, and M.F. Singer), Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussie 13 (4), 2014, 671-700 (PDF)

  33. Isomonodromic differential equations and differential categories (by S. Gorchinskiy and A. Ovchinnikov), Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 102, 2014, 48-78 (PDF)

  34. Computing Constraint Sets for Differential Fields (by R. Miller, A. Ovchinnikov, and D. Trushin), Journal of Algebra 407, 2014, 316-357 (PDF)

  35. Galois theory of difference equations with periodic parameters (by B. Antieau, A. Ovchinnikov, and D. Trushin), Communications in Algebra 42 (9), 2014, 3902-3943 (PDF)

  36. Difference integrability conditions for parameterized linear difference and differential equations (by A. Ovchinnikov), Advances in Applied Mathematics 53, 2014, 61-71 (PDF)

  37. Parameterized Picard-Vessiot extensions and Atiyah extensions (by H. Gillet, S. Gorchinskiy, and A. Ovchinnikov), Advances in Mathematics 238, 2013, 322-411 (PDF)

  38. Integrability conditions for parameterized linear difference equations (by M. Bessonov, A. Ovchinnikov, and M. Shapiro), Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC 2013), ACM Press, New York, pp. 45-52 (PDF)

  39. Extensions of differential representations of SL(2) and tori (by A. Minchenko and A. Ovchinnikov), Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 12 (1), 2013, 199-224 (PDF)

  40. Zariski Closures of Linear Differential Algebraic Groups (by A. Minchenko and A. Ovchinnikov), Advances in Mathematics 227 (3), 2011, 1195-1224 (PDF)

  41. Adapting Rabins Theorem for Differential Fields (by R. Miller and A. Ovchinnikov), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6735, 2011, 211-220 (PDF)

  42. A Bound for Orders in Differential Nullstellensatz (by O. Golubitsky, M.V. Kondratieva, A. Ovchinnikov, and A. Szanto), Journal of Algebra 322 (11), 2009, 3852-3877 (PDF)

  43. Differential Tannakian categories (by A. Ovchinnikov), Journal of Algebra 321 (10), 2009, 3043-3062 (PDF)

  44. Tannakian Categories, Linear Differential Algebraic Groups, and Parametrized Linear Differential Equations (by A. Ovchinnikov), Transformation Groups 14 (1), 2009, 195-223 (PDF)

  45. On the generalised Ritt problem as a computational problem (by O. Golubitsky, M.V. Kondratieva, and A. Ovchinnikov), Journal of Mathematical Sciences 163 (5), 2009, 515-522 (PDF)

  46. Algebraic Transformation of Differential Characteristic Decompositions from One Ranking to Another (by O. Golubitsky, M.V. Kondratieva, and A. Ovchinnikov), Journal of Symbolic Computation 44 (4), 2009, 333-357 (PDF)

  47. Tannakian Approach to Linear Differential Algebraic Groups (by A. Ovchinnikov), Transformation Groups 13 (2), 2008, 413-446 (PDF)

  48. A Bound for Rosenfeld-Groebner algorithm (by O. Golubitsky, M.V. Kondratieva, M. Moreno Maza, and A. Ovchinnikov), Journal of Symbolic Computation 43 (8), 2008, 582-610 (PDF)

  49. Orders of derivatives in decomposition of radical differential ideals (A. Ovchinnikov), Russian Mathematical Surveys 63 (2), 2008, 383-385.

  50. Canonical characteristic sets of characterizable differential ideals (by O. Golubitsky, M.V. Kondratieva , A. Ovchinnikov), Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin 63 (2), 2008, 79-81.

  51. Orders in Effective Differential Nullstellensatz (by O. Golubitsky, M.V. Kondratieva, A. Ovchinnikov, and A. Szanto), Le Matematiche, Volume LXIII (2008), Issue I, pp. 67-69

  52. Sections of a Differential Spectrum and Factorization Free Computations (by A. Ovchinnikov), Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 135 (5), 2006, 3355-3362 (PDF)
  53. Bounds and algebraic algorithms in differential algebra: the ordinary case (by O. Golubitsky, M.V. Kondratieva, M. Moreno Maza, and A. Ovchinnikov), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Computer Science, Department of Mechanics and Mathematics, 2006, 7-11

  54. Characteristic Sets of Ordinary Differential Equations (by M.V. Kondratieva and A. Ovchinnikov), Programming and Computer Software 31 (2), 2005, 91-96.

  55. Characterizable Radical Differential Ideals and Some Properties of Characteristic Sets (by A. Ovchinnikov), Programming and Computer Software 30 (3), 2004, 141-149.

  56. On Computing Characteristic Sets of Arbitrary Radical Differential Ideals (by M.V. Kondratieva and A. Ovchinnikov), Proceedings of ACA 2004, 38-48

  57. Computation of Characteristic Sets of Radical Differential Ideals (by A. Ovchinnikov), Proceedings of CASC 2004, 371-378

  58. On Characterizable Ideals and Characteristic Sets (by A. Ovchinnikov), Contributions to General Algebra 14, 91-108, 2004

  59. Classification and Applications of Monomial Orderings and the Properties of Differential Term-Ordering (by A. Ovchinnikov and A. Zobnin), Proceedings of CASC 2002, 237-252

  60. A New Approach to Classification of Monomial Orderings (by A. Ovchinnikov and A. Zobnin), Proceedings of the Workshop on Under- and Overdetermined Systems of Algebraic or Differential Equations, March 18-19, 2002, Karlsruhe, Germany, 129--140

  61. Involutive and Classical Groebner Bases Construction from the Computational Viewpoint (by V. Mityunin, A. Ovchinnikov, A. Semyonov, A. Zobnin), Computer Algebra and its Application to Physics, Proceedings of the International workshop (Dubna, June 28-30, 2001), Dubna: JINR, 2002, 221-230

Research has been partially supported by the National Science Foundation.

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