Post-Baccalaureate Advanced Certificate in Music Education
Advisor: Susan Davis
Certificate Requirements
The completion of this program takes two years and is typically 29-32 credits (depending on vocal or instrumental emphasis), but may be lower depending on the courses the individual student may have had at the undergraduate level (or another graduate program).
The coursework consists of requirements from the following list:
- Music 690: Foundations of Music Education, 3 cr.
- or SEYS 536: Educational Foundations, 3 cr.
- SEYS 552: Educational Psychology, 3 cr.
- EECE 711: Ecological Perspectives on Development: The Childhood Years, 3 cr.
- ECPSE 550: Foundations of Special Education, 3 cr.
- EECE 525: Language and Literacy Learning in the Elementary Years, 3 cr.
- or SEYS 700: Language, Literacy, and Culture in Education, 3 cr.
- Music 644: Student Teaching in Music, 6 cr.
- Music 645: Seminar in the Teaching of Music: Elementary, 3 cr.
- Music 646: Seminar in the Teaching of Music: Secondary, 3 cr.
- Music 669: Conducting II, 2 cr.
Courses required for Vocal Emphasis:
- Music 642: Teaching of Choral Music, 3 cr.
- Music 666: Vocal Pedagogy, 2 cr.
Courses required for Instrumental Emphasis:
- Music 641: Teaching of Instrumental Music, 3 cr.
- at least 3 credits from among the following:
- Music 661: Group Instruction in Upper Strings, 1 cr.
- Music 662: Group Instruction in Lower Strings, 1 cr.
- Music 663: Group Instruction in Woodwinds, 1 cr.
- Music 667: Group Instruction in Brass, 1 cr.
- Music 668: Group Instruction in Percussion, 1 c
Students must also take one music history/literature course. A music history qualifying examination will be administered during the student’s first fall semester. Passing the exam will allow the student to take a music history course of his or her choosing. Failing the exam will mean that the student must take MUSIC 768: Western Music History Survey (3 hr.; 2 cr.) as a prerequisite to taking a required history course (thus the two-credit variation in the graduation requirements noted above).
Additional New York State Certification Requirements:
- Attend a seminar on Substance Abuse
- Attend a seminar on Child Abuse
- Attend a seminar on Violence in the Classroom
- Attend a seminar on School Safety
- Attend a seminar on the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)
- Pass the New York State Teacher Certification Examinations (EAS, edTPA, and CST)