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Perspectives on the Liberal Arts and Sciences Courses

Perspectives courses target foundations of knowledge, and are therefore taken by students early on in their undergraduate experience, before they complete 60 credits.

Perspectives courses constitute the offerings for students to comply with the following requirements (UCC, 2006, p. 2):

Eight Perspectives courses in the following Areas of Knowledge and Inquiry:

Three Perspectives courses, which may be among the Perspectives courses taken to fulfill the Areas of Knowledge and Inquiry requirements above, each emphasizing one of the following Contexts of Experience:

Two Extended Requirements, which may be satisfied by a course taken for the requirements above, or in the student's major or minor, or as an elective:

Criteria for Perspectives Courses

All Perspectives courses must satisfy Criteria 1-3:

  1. Address how, in the discipline (or disciplines) of the course, data and evidence are construed and knowledge acquired; that is, how questions are asked and answered.
  2. Position the discipline(s) in the liberal arts curriculum and the larger society.
  3. Address the goals for their categorization as fulfilling an Area of Knowledge and Inquiry requirement, and (as appropriate) a Context of Experience and/or an Extended Requirement.

Criteria 4-8 are optional, and are fulfilled by courses when appropriate:

  1. Be global or comparative in scope.
  2. Consider diversity and the nature and construction of forms of difference.
  3. Engage students in active inquiry.
  4. Reveal the existence and importance of change over time.
  5. Use primary documents and materials.

Understanding the Perspectives Categories and Criteria

Perspectives course categories and criteria are described at length in the document approved by the Academic Senate:

Proposal 2: Area Requirements

Proposing a Perspectives Course

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